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17yr old Micholle Moulton, murdered while she slept in her Arnett Gardens community. Her 12 yr old sister was also shot and is in hospital in stable condition. |
Micholle's murder is continuing a 5-6 year trend of increasing sexual assault on girls of high school age that has recently ramped up in the past two years. In 2011 when the trend had started to become worrying, an executive summary from the National Investigation Bureau (NIB) rationalized the uptick by stating that "This coincides with the increased recreational activities such as dances, parties, outings, and wakes," This statement is made even more bizarre by the clear statistical information in the study which shows:
"Most victims are raped at their homes, at their friends' homes, on the way to or from school and work, and while walking alone along lonely roadways."
If this second statement is true, then what on earth is one to make of the first statement? It appears that even when there is solid evidence to suggest that a rapist is more likely to be an acquaintance, even the professionals are still operating in the "rapist-hiding-in-the-bushes" paradigm. In a way I can understand why; while you can advise women and girls against walking home alone at night and attending alcohol fuelled parties, how do you warn them a potential rapist could be living at home with them now? The boogeyman rapist narrative rallies support and mobilizes resources, the rapist-might-be-my-father narrative does not.
Could this crime problem have a gendered dynamic?
A global study on homicide done in 2013 by the UN Office on Drugs and Crime revealed that 96% of convicted homicide perpetrators were men. This is actually the same figure for the Americas region of the study which includes the Caribbean (pg. 13). Though no definitive figures are available for Jamaica, I would guess the percentage of male homicide perpetrators is in the high 90s as well, probably somewhere around 98% if the news reports are anything to go by. If women started to murder men and boys in the manner that men do it to women, by the third news report a national gender emergency would be declared. There would be no end to the organizations lining up to have an urgent intervention in the "women crisis" that would be gripping the island. But when men rape, sodomize, beat, and burn a teen girl it is the work of demons. And mark you, this isn't always meant to be a metaphor - many people actually believe "real" fucking demons to be the cause of these kinds of crimes. If demons were responsible for acts of gruesome violence, why aren't they possessing women in equal proportion? Does the possession happen via a man's cock?
It's time we wake up to the realization that at the core of Jamaica's crime problem is an element of the way in which boys are (anti)socialized. The data cannot be this glaring without significant attention being focused in that direction. Indeed, no long term crime reduction initiative will work unless this stark reality is simultaneously addressed. As Jamaican men, we have royally fucked up in our duty to keep our women and girls safe.
Jamaican women, get your head out your asses
One of the most disgraceful displays in all of this is what happened when a news team visited the community a day after Micholle and her sister were shot. Apparently, community members were offended by the allegations that Micholle's murder was due to her spurning sexual advances from men in the same community. As far as these protestors (all of whom were women) were concerned, the Micholle's mother tarnished the "reputation" of the community by suggesting that her daughter was murdered because she didn't accede to being raped. Presenting themselves, as it were, in half slips and shower caps with stomachs bulging over the top of washed out tights, these women were the very picture of inner-city backwardness and dysfunction. One of them found it necessary to wonder aloud "Why dem neva rape me?" hinting that, if men in the community were desperate for sex, she would've been an easy low hanging fruit - no need to harm Micholle. This idea, of course, belies a fundamental misunderstanding of what rape is; it has nothing to do with inaccessibility to sex, but everything to do with a desire to assert power. In all their braying and grunting at the camera, not one of these women expressed a word of remorse let alone outrage at Micholle's murder; they were far more interested in protecting the (non-existent) reputation of their community (nicknamed "Zimbabwe" - now you tell me ... ) and the men who lived there. With ingrates like these willing to sacrifice their dignity in defense of the men in their community, is there any wonder why upwards of 90% of rapes go unreported?
And no, God's not coming to save our women either
It hardly needs repeating, but neither an imaginary God nor the church is going to fix this problem for Jamaica. This isn't a problem being fought in a "spiritual realm" - this is a practical, real world disaster we are facing in Jamaica. As such, no time should be wasted bawling out to Jesus to rescue Jamaica - he sees each of the 900+ murders on the island and does fuckall, so maybe it's time Jamaicans disavowed themselves of their divine safety blanket. And lord knows we can't hope the church will magically correct this problem - when pastors aren't themselves raping children, we have God-fearing residents more than willing to defend the current status quo. Obviously, persons who identify as Christians need to a part of the solution (they do, after all, comprise the vast majority of Jamaicans), but unless they plan on coming to the table with research-driven methods, absent bible babble, they need to stand aside and allow those with the requisite expertise to get the work done. Enough time has been spent praying about crime in Jamaica - it's long overdue for Christians to get give their knees a break and engage their brains for a change.
Sometimes I worry about friends of mine in Jamaica raising young girls. I worry that, at any time, one of their daughters could fall victim to Micholle's fate. I personally know several Jamaican girls who have. I try to think what I would do as a parent in their shoes, and the same answer always returns - leave. As soon as resources permit, and opportunity presents itself, get your daughter out of Jamaica. Coward? Sell-out? Unpatriotic? Fuck that. Call me whatever version of turncoat you can find, but one label I'd never want for myself, or anyone else, is grieving parent. I'm sorry we couldn't have kept you safe Micholle, and I hope your bravery in sticking to your principles is the catalyst necessary to force us to do better.
Cool Dude.